Wednesday, February 20, 2008

SurF File Manager

Designed to offer appealing and straightforward interface to files. Presents many innovations to make most common tasks easy to execute. Leverages Windows shell and shell extensions remaining as simple as possible.

SurF is a free Windows file manager featuring:

  • Tree organized tabs.
  • QuickPath (typing csys32 locates c:\windows\system32 directory).
  • Realtime highlighting for just created and modified files.
  • NTFS compression, links and alternate data streams support.
  • Comfortable keyboard navigation.
System requirements: Windows 2000/XP/2003 + .NET Framework 2.0 or Windows Vista.

Preferred installation method is web installer (5.8 MB). It installs SurF for current user (administrator's rights are not required for installation) and automatically checks for updates with a period of 6 days (manual check for updates is available in Help menu). If you have always on Internet connection, instead of Start menu shortcut you can use web installer link to run SurF. It guarantees that you always run latest application version.

Without Internet connection on target computer or when you want to install SurF for all computer users download application archive (1.6 MB). Extract files from archive to any place you like (e.g. to c:\program files\surf), but not on a network path.

For full text search functionality that takes into account morphology and syntax you must install Desktop search system COM server - (15 MB). This archive contains required COM server and dictionary with English and Russian support. To install server extract files from archive to any place you like (e.g. to c:\program files\PhiSearchServer) and run either RegServer Current User.cmd to register server for current user only (admin rights not required, note: under Windows Vista you must run it as administrator) or RegServer All Users.cmd to register server for all users (admin rights required).