Sunday, August 31, 2008


HoverMatch is a freeware utility designed to allow desktop customizers to modify exiting themes and skins to their tastes by altering an images Hue, Saturation and Brightness values and saving the results. This utility makes it possible for users to modify themes and skins without requiring an image editor program like Photoshop.


  • Skin colorizing preserves the transparency “key color”. This can be “magic pink” (255,0,255) or any user specified color.
  • Lock Filter to re-apply the same filter for each new loaded image.
  • Zoom with optional lock for appplying the same zoom valye for every image loaded (zoom is only for preview)
  • Target color panel an easy way to select the hue/sat/brightness values to match a selected target.
  • A moveable preview image (to place it near the target color for example).
  • 2 Color pickers included: 1 for the color to exclude (bitmap color picker) / 1 for the target color (desktop color picker).
  • Bitmap / Icon (size from 16x16 up to 128x128) / Jpeg recolorizing support (changed save to bitmap files).
  • Icon to Bitmap conversion: Icon files (.ICO) can be saved into Bitmaps in a very easy way.
  • Sophisticated image browsing: - a small thumbnail preview in the image list with different text colors to identify the image types.
  • Details View: image size / bpp / date display. - 328KB